2014 Co-ordinator Elections

The 2014 Coordinator elections were held from 24th Jan 2014 to 4th Feb 2014. Of the two candidates elected, the one with the highest number of votes will serve for 2 years and the other would serve for a regular 1 year term.

Answer Votes Count Percentage
Imran Ahmed Shah (SQ001) 31 15.50%
Deirdre Williams (SQ002) 124 62.00%
Mawaki Chango (SQ003) 110 55.00%
No candidate (SQ004) 11 5.50%

The winners as in the poll table above are Deirdre Williams and Mawaki Chango.

Deirdre Williams will serve for 2 years from 2014 – 2016

Mawaki Chango will serve for 1 year from 2014 – 2015

Full result data from Limesurvey is as follows:

Number of records in this query: 200
Total records in survey: 200
Percentage of total: 100.00%

Field summary for 1
Based on the above definition, are you a member of the Internet Governance Caucus?
Answer Count Percentage
Yes (Y) 192 96.00%
No (N) 4 2.00%
No answer 4 2.00%
Not completed or Not displayed 0 0.00%


Field summary for 2
Have you already voted in this election?
Answer Count Percentage
Yes (Y) 8 4.00%
No (N) 184 92.00%
No answer 0 0.00%
Not completed or Not displayed 8 4.00%


Field summary for 3
Please select two candidates for the next coordinators of the Internet Governance Caucus.
Answer Count Percentage
Imran Ahmed Shah (SQ001) 31 15.50%
Deirdre Williams (SQ002) 124 62.00%
Mawaki Chango (SQ003) 110 55.00%
No candidate (SQ004) 11 5.50%