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CS Coordination Meeting
November 25, 2019 @ 4:35 pm - 7:35 pm PKT
IGF 2019 Pre-Event #43: Civil Society Coordination Meeting
Civil Society Coordination Meeting is being organized on 25th Nov 2019 at 14th Meeting of UN IGF 2019 at Berlin, Germany. If you are interested to attend this event, you are requested to confirm us through the RSVP Form on IGCaucus.org website. List of Registered Participants is also available online.
Part 1 – 30-40 mins?
- Welcome and update on IGC (Bruna and Sheetal)
- Expectations from the event (plenary)
Part 2 – 1-1.5 hours?
Issues (five issues)
- Breakout led by different volunteers (e.g each group defines the issue, problem at hand, key forums/spaces where issues is being discussed, possible messages)
- Multi-stakeholder initiatives in IG (w/ focus on High Level Panel on Digital Cooperation)
- Sustainable Development
- Content regulation (w/ focus on Christchurch call)
- State behaviour in cyberspace (w/ focus on 1st Committee and 3rd Committee)
- Emerging technologies (w/ discussion of ‘ethics’)
- Plenary: each group shares summary of break-out group discussion
Part 3 – 45 mins?
Next steps, including IGC internal issues
- How do we work together/collaborate on the issues identified?
- Discussion of other issues including internal IGC which will necessitate working together.