2008 Co-ordinator Elections Results



IGC Election Results

This brief report is to certify the election results for the Civil Society Internet Governance Caucus (IGC) conducted from August 10-18 2008 by the Center for Research on Collaboratories and Technology Enhanced Learning Communities (Cotelco) at Syracuse University. The elections were conducted using the web-based system of Cotelco found at http://websurvey.syr.edu. As per the instructions provided by the Coordinator, the election process was designed to first present an initial page presenting the IGC Charter, then requiring the respondent to certify that: “I have read the IGC charter, subscribe to it, and affirm/accept the membership of IGC.” If the response to this question was no, the respondent was not allowed to view the ballot and vote in the election. On 10 August, the ballot was made available to the IGC membership according to the list provided by the coordinator. A total of 340 invitations to participate in the election were sent out, with five addresses reporting “undeliverable” status. A total of 100 persons affirmed this statement and voted in the election. Two reminders were sent to those persons that had not yet responded to the initial invitation, the first on Wednesday, 13 August, and the final reminder on Saturday, 16 August.

According to this process, the final results of the IGC elections are as follows:

Ian Peter (76%, n=76)
David Goldstein (14%, n=14)
None of the Above (10%, n=10)

If you have any questions about these results, please to not hesitate to contact me. I will retain the electronic records of the election until the end of your appeals period, and then destroy them.

Kindest regards,

Dr. Derrick L. Cogburn
Associate Professor
Syracuse University
Director, Cotelco